Natural, Unnatural and Supernatural
In the world of the natural, I have seen a couple things this past week that I have never seen before.
I was up a little before sunrise and saw a great horned owl sitting on the roof of our car. I think that an owl on a cars roof is much better than a rabbit under the hood. I know that it is better than owls on the roof of the house which we have frequently at night. They sound like a thundering herd as they run from one side to the other.
We have had deer around the house all spring and summer. A doe and a fawn frequently graze on the great variety of weeds we have carefully cultivated. What I saw for the first time was the doe suckling her fawn. It was a little awkward looking since the fawn is pretty good-sized by now, probably about ready to leave his mother, but there was something very good about the scene.
Last year our locust were right on the nose in predicting that our first frost would be October 1st. (Folklore has it that the first frost will be six weeks after one hears the first locust.) Well, this year the first locust sang or buzzed or chirped or whatever locust do very early and so the first frost should be September 11th. Given that this entire last week of August will have highs in the 90s, it seems unlikely. However, our low a couple nights ago was 51, so I guess it is possible.
Now to the unnatural and the supernatural. I think it would be worth your time to go to to read a couple things there. The one is entitled Is the Grinch Living in Loudon County, VA? . The story involves two Seton dads, Delegate Bob Marshall and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. The second is an opinion piece entitled AG Cuccinellis Ruling on Abortion Clinics. Both show what good people in the right places can achieve, and Marshall and Cuccinelli are great people in the right places. God bless them.
School starts August 31st at Seton. A big, early event is the dedication of the court in the John Paul II Center to Mr. Vander Woude on September 8th.
Jezu, ufam Tobie.