Mr. Terry Monihan, a former teacher at Seton, died this week.  His Mass of Christian Burialwas celebrated last Saturday (Nov 27, 2010) at All Saints Catholic Church.  Mr. Monihan taught geography and Latin at Seton and Latin at our sister school St. John Neumann.  Mr. Monihan was a brilliant Latin scholar who was virtually bilingual in the language, which was very much alive to him.  He knew Latin so well that he was able to continue teaching even after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  He was also noted for his sense orf humor and, above all, his deep and abiding love for his Catholic Faith.


We extend our sympathies to his sons, Nicholas and Christopher, both of whom attended Seton, and to his loving wive Peggy, who devotedly cared for him during his illness.  The marriage vows read “I will be true to you in good times and in bad”.  But Peggy is living proof that in a truly Christ-centered and self-giving marriage, there are no “bad times”, only opportunities to give love.

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