There are great thoughts that should come to mind as we approach the end of the liturgical year with its final Sunday of Christ the King. My thoughts have turned me toward Seton for three reasons.
First, there is the history book that Mrs. Carroll wrote from the class notes she compiled during her first years of teaching after starting Seton. Christ the King, Lord of History has been the cornerstone of the our school’s history program, though I don’t know how many students actually read the whole thing during their tenure at Seton – it is much more interesting and easier just to listen to Mrs. Carroll, and she adds much more to the classes than the book contains. However, the book is a good, quick read even for someone like me who has no historical perspective and can’t remember dates or people’s names.
Second, there is the statue of Christ the King in the lobby as one enters the glass doors of SS. This statue was originally brought from North Carolina by a family whose daughter boarded to attend Seton one year. I am very sorry that I can recall neither the year the statue arrived nor the name of the family that brought it. (See, I really have no knack for history.) The statue was being thrown out by a church that was renovating and the Seton family rescued it. It was in need of a little repair, and Seton mom Mrs. Skube took on the task and did a beautiful job restoring it. You may have noticed that Our King has green eyes. Mrs. Skube has green eyes and decided to give Our Lord green eyes as well. The base that the statue stands on, I believe, came from All Saints High School in Washington, DC, after it closed down. Before the statue had that base, it stood at the entrance way of the old part of the school where the newly redone statue of St. Therese now stands. The statue of Christ the King is such a great centerpiece of the school lobby.
Third, there is the Christ the King Mass and Procession which takes place at Seton on the Friday before the great Sunday celebration. Once this became a tradition at SS, it also became one of my favorite days of the school year. I really liked practicing “An Army of Youth” with my religion classes before the Mass; the beautiful music during the Mass and the procession; the procession itself with the senior boys carrying the canopy for Our King; the witness the school gave to all who saw us processing; the return to the gym for the rousing rendition of “An Army of Youth”. It was a great day and a great celebration.
So, with Thanksgiving coming, I submit this as an act of thanksgiving to Christ, Our King for having given us Seton School which has helped to teach us all to be loyal subjects to the King of Kings.
Jezu, ufam Tobie.