Banquet Song

Since this year’s musical was Oliver!, the song, of course, came from there – it used the refrain of “Consider Yourself”.

  • Consider yourselves prealums ***Consider yourselves almost done my chums***You’ve taken a test or two***But now it’s your final finals review
  • Consider yourselves gleaned wheat***Consider yourselves the toast of Maple Street*** Your class survived a quake***So cool!  You’re the icing on the cake.
  • Consider yourselves pre-grads*** Consider yourselves of proud Moms and Dads***You’ve said a prayer or three***So now you leave on calloused knees.
  • Consider yourselves top-ranked***Consider yourselves double and triple thanked***You are the best hands down***So now put on your cap and gown.
  • Here’s to you from us***Consider yourselves an A+.

Jezu, ufam Tobie.  Alleluia!

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